PLEASE NOTE: Brandie is currently on maternity leave through October 2024. Feel free to complete the inquiry form, keeping in mind that all future consultations and services will be conducted after this time.

Ministry & Message

As an ambassador of Christ, who is also an entrepreneur, you are uniquely positioned to partner with God in helping others to be reconciled to Him.

Our Ministry & Message advising services are designed to help you discover:

✅ How God is calling you to aid others in being restored to His favor.

✅ Who He wants you to serve and speak to.

✅ What messages He has for you to communicate to those you serve.

✅ How the ministry and message of reconciliation impacts you as an entrepreneur.

Our Services

  • Service Design

    Through service design, we help identify and refine the ways that God is calling you to serve others. Whether you have an idea for a new product or service or you’re looking to tweak an existing one, we’re here to help you steward it well.

  • Messaging Development

    With messaging development, we help you hone in on the language and communication needed to convey what the Lord wants to share through you. From brand messaging to launch copy, we’ve got you covered.