About The Identity Initiative

Our Ministry


The Identity Initiative exists to help women be more like Jesus.

We do this by providing:

  • Educational resources,

  • Encouraging content, and

  • Equipping courses and services.


We envision a world where women embrace and embody identity in Christ by:

  • Wholeheartedly walking with God,

  • Boldly being who God created them to be, and

  • Diligently doing what He is calling them to do.


Our work is inspired by this truth in Ephesians 2:10:

For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Our Message

There is no better way to communicate our message than to tell you. Listen in to hear the heart behind what we do.

What We Believe

  • Through intimacy with God, we find our identity in Christ. When we get to know Him. we get to know ourselves.

    When we do not have intimacy with God, we are more likely to succumb to identity crises as we search for meaning and purpose in other people, places, things, and ideas.

  • As believers in Christ, all other identifiers that we may possess or claim are secondary to who we are in Him.

    We acknowledge the multitude of things that come together to make us unique and wonderful, but we also recognize that when we elevate anything above Jesus, we fall into idolatry.

  • As we learn and grow in our identity, we are then able to live intentionally as we are led and empowered by Holy Spirit.

    When we are unaware of who we are, or simply not walking in that truth, it becomes easier for us to waste time and energy on things God never intended for us to do.

To learn more about what we believe, sign up to access the Intimacy, Identity, and Intentionality: 3 Keys to Being Who God Created You to Be free audio training.

Hey, I'm Brandie!

I'm the Chief Identity Advocate behind The Identity Initiative. In other words, I am a champion for Christians, especially women, being who God created them to be.

On a personal level, prior to discovering my God-given identity, I found it in work, education, relationships, and more. When I no longer had these things to turn to, I sought God for the answers to a series of questions about who He says I am.

As an entrepreneur, I've helped others develop their online presence, communicate their messages, and put systems in place. In doing so, identity continually came up.

More often than not, my clients, many of whom are Christians, lacked a clear sense of personal identity and brand identity. They struggled with the latter because they were pretty clueless when it came to the former.

A lot of times, this resulted in what I like to call "identity theft," copying what they saw other people doing or pretending to be something they were not.

And guess what? I've been there and done it myself too. This is what happens when we have yet to discover our true identity in Christ. This is also what God used to stir my heart and develop The Identity Initiative.

Through both my own identity journey and my work with others, the Lord has revealed and reminded me of countless things that I just can’t keep to myself. So, today I'm on a quest to tackle the pitfalls of misrepresentation and misdirected efforts among women who love and live for the Lord.